The Joy of Reading

In this article, I have written about the joy of reading, highlighting some of my personal instances on how I have perceived the transformative power of this little hobby/habit. I have tried to share and motivate new readers, specially if they feel they lack the concentration to read books or feel they are slow readers. Allow me to express this age old activity, and the magic and emotional richness it still brings to our lives.

December 24, 2023  • 

The Joy of Reading (Source: DALL·E, OpenAI)

In an age where digital media reigns supreme, the simple pleasure of sitting down with a good book might seem like a quaint relic of the past. Yet, for those who venture into the world of literature, sciences, history, philosophy, economics and legal sciences reading remains an unparalleled source of joy, discovery and learning, offering a gateway to the world of true wisdom. Here is why I believe why reading is a critical element to enrich your life, be mindful and experience a sense of calm and peace.

The Magic of Stories

Storytelling has been an integral part of our culture since the earliest days of human history. The written alphabet revolutionised our ways, made us civilized and more importantly, preserved the knowledge dating back to thousands of years in the form of books. Modern books carry this tradition forward, offering us a treasure trove of stories (both real and fictional) that have the power to transport us to different realms, times, and perspectives. Whether its the thrill of a mystery novel, the depth of a historical epic, the warmth of a romantic tale, or the imaginative creation of distant future of Science-Fiction, each book is a new adventure waiting to be discovered and experienced. This is true both for fictional and non-fictional work.

I feel in today's fast-paced society and constantly connected world, where we are limiting our attention span to less than 10 seconds, reading offers a rare opportunity for solitude and reflection. When you concentrate on a topic, you create your own personal sanctuary where you can disconnect from the noise and take a break from the troubles of life and find peace in the quiet company of words woven intricately to crochet 'an idea'. It's not just about what you read but the space it creates in your life for stillness and introspection.

Expanding Knowledge and Perspective

I discovered the Joy of Reading when I was about 14 years old. I started off with comic books. In India, we didn't read Marvel and DC comics, because one, they were hard to find, and two, they were too expensive. But I found the joy in reading Archies, Chacha Chaudhary, Nagraj and Doga. It was a fun little exercise for the mind. And more importantly, I read it because my friends were reading it and I loved sharing the instances from the comics that we had all read. I wanted to share this instance also because it shows that you can truly create a habit and have fun while reading if you can talk to your friends about what you have read. Reading challenges us to think, question, and learn. And true learning happens when you can read something, form an opinion (or modify an existing one) with new facts that you have just learnt. Every book* offers a chance to gain new insights, explore different cultures, and understand diverse viewpoints. It's a journey that continually expands the boundaries of our knowledge and empathy.

* okay, maybe not 'Every book'. Choosing the right book to read is an important first step, but that is a topic of a separate article :)

The Creative and Emotionally Empowering Books

After comics, I was immediately drawn to reading works of fiction (mostly novels). Back then, the Harry Potter books were still coming out and I had to borrow the same from the library (again, they were quite expensive). The waiting list for that was insane (I think, around 3 months)! I couldn't wait for the books to be made available. So I convinced my friend to share read it with me, where he could read the book during the day and I could read at night. We both read the book insanely fast just by share reading the book I was able to read the 'The Half-Blood Prince' in a week's time.

From early on, I was convinced that reading fiction books are a catalyst for creativity. They paint pictures with words, inspiring our imaginations to fill in the colors. Reading encourages us to dream, to create, and to imagine. It's a nurturing ground for creativity where ideas born in the pages of a book can spark new artistic and creative pursuits. But I also believe, it does more that that. It helps us realise a way of thinking and often reflect on our emotions and create a new perspective - a perspective that may have been formed through the protagonist of some fiction you once read about. One example that comes to mind is from the novel 'The Kite Runner' by Khaled Hosseini: In the novel, Baba, the father in The Kite Runner, argues that theft is the only sin. "When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth... When you kill someone, you are stealing their right to live, their children's right to a parent... so there is no act more wretched than stealing..." Growing up, I have come across many scenarios when I was forced to think, is what I am doing right? Surprisingly, this simple abstraction of right or wrong that I read many, many years ago in this book, still helps me to this day to have an emotional intelligence when making decisions.

There's a unique comfort in reading — the way words can resonate with our own experiences, emotions, and dreams. Whether it's finding solace in a character's journey or joy in a narrative's twists and turns, books have a remarkable ability to connect with us on a deeply personal level. Don't worry, it is not completely insane when you sometimes feel stuck at a problem, and you put on your Sherlock impression and suddenly have the detective skills to solve any problem in the world. It is natural because of the impression the book, the movie or the show once left on you. The only difference is that the movie or the TV show left that impression in a matter of a couple of hours/days, imagine how profoundly you can think when you have spent a couple of days with the book - except this time your concentration is completely into the book (because unlike watching the show, reading requires your undivided attention ;).

For many, books are lifelong companions. Imagine this, if I suddenly offer you all the weath in the world to have a comfortable life and bless you with a long and healthy life (say, 200 years), what would be the one thing you would do? Don't worry it's not a trick question. Your answer could be different than 'reading'. But think about it and do let me know in the comments below. (See, if you managed to read this far, I already gave you something to think about. That's exactly what reading does to me.). That attitude of inquisitiveness is absolutely elemental when you plan on reading anything. But anyways, think about my question, I would love to hear your ideas!

In my opinion, different books are there in different stages of life, reflecting our changing interests, moods, and needs. When I was young, I enjoyed more fiction, a world of imagination where I can see what the protagonist fights against all odds and does what he/she does, so that I can live perhaps a more 'mature' life (like all teenagers wish to do). Now, I prefer more works of non-fiction and biographical/historical notes. Some of the books by Siddhartha Mujherjee, Jared Diamond and Smil Vaclav are my absolute favorites today. I even experience the joy of rereading my favorite books (specially, the Harry Potter books) and when I discover the new layers with each visit, I feel it is a testament to the enduring relationship we can build with these paper-bound companions.

In a world that often values speed and efficiency, reading may perhaps seem like a slow activity. But unsurprisingly, you should remember that learning is a slow (and highly rewarding) process and it is a process of repetition. Thousands of years ago, epics like The Mahabharat and The Ramayana where stories and poems that were told orally through centuries by scholars and saints. That meant that they were able to remember it all and pass it down to the next generations. All that knowledge would have been lost to time if us humans were not capable of such great feats of intellectual prowess. The internet age may be fast and full of distractions, but reading invites us to slow down, savor the moment and reconnect with our concentration abilities. It's a celebration of language, an exercise for the mind, and nourishment for the soul. So, grab a book, find a cozy nook, and let yourself be swept away by the joy of reading.

ps. If you are new to reading and have made it thus far reading my article. First of all, I truly congratulate you! Take a moment to appreatiate yourself for doing this. And let me assure you, it is not easy to read an 8 minute article, even for some seasoned hobbiyists.

pps. And secondly, I hope this post must have motivated you enough to pick up a book. Still if not, I have penned down some of my notes on how I think you can get into the habit of reading and develop the concentration needed to read using some standard practices in my article, "How to become a Reading Ninja!". Do give a read, if you think you need it. And remember reading has been, and will always be, a beloved activity to cherish once you have started.

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